Pools Books

  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    A collection of math word problems for children, covering topics such as cupcakes, crayons, pools, cars, dolls, ghosts, parties, batteries, cookies, and books.
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  • The Pool
    A young child recalls a memorable day playing in the backyard, falling into the pool, and being saved by their dad.
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  • ABC's of California's Tidepools
    Papa works at the aquarium and Mama used to work there so we love the ocean. We love to visit the tide pools especially when there is a king tide. We see so many cool animal…
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  • Always goes wrong The pool party
    Gracie plans a pool party, but her little sister causes chaos. Despite the mishaps, the party turns out to be a success.
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  • The Surprise Pool Party
    A child plans a surprise birthday party for their mom, with the help of their best friend and parents. The party is a success and everyone has a great time.
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  • The Adventures of Tide pool Living
    The story is a metaphorical tale about various sea creatures living in a tide pool, each representing different aspects of intersectionality. The wise anemone, Terry, guides …
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  • A Day At The Pool
    Learn about swimming and go on and adventure with Ava as you spend a day with her at the pool!
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  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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