Portfolio Books

  • Portfolios With a Purpose
    A description of a summer technology boot camp for 5th and 6th graders at St. Regis Academy, where students learn digital skills and create portfolios.
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  • Amanda's Growth Portfolio
    This book is a comprehensive guide for teachers, discussing various teaching strategies such as the Learning Continuum, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry Based Learning, Pr…
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  • Travelers through Literary Seasons JANUARY ACTIVITIES
    Students from different schools come together to work on a project about autumn, including reading poems and creating portfolios.
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    A personal introduction, discussion of hobbies, social media, cloning, a doctor's visit, pollution, favorite movie and music.
  • Cyrus & Reese and the balanced portfolio
    Cyrus seeks Reese's advice on investing in stocks. Reese explains the importance of a balanced portfolio with high and low-risk investments.
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  • Poetry Portfolio
    A collection of short, personal reflections on turning thirteen, freedom, and childhood memories.
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  • My Art Portfolio
    A student reflects on their art projects, discussing what they liked and could have done better.
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