Positive Reinforcement Books

  • How To Guide Children's Behavior
    This book provides guidance on how to effectively guide and teach children, emphasizing the importance of being a role model, giving effective directions, setting limits, and…
  • PIYL Part 2 The Adventures Of Carl
    The story follows a third grader named Carl and his experiences with positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, assumptions, an…
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  • Different Types of Plants
    A short informational text about flowers and trees, with a question for the reader. Ends with positive reinforcement.
  • Potty Training My Child
    A family's journey of potty training their son, Johnny, with some challenges along the way.
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  • John's first Trip to the dentist
    John is upset about his dentist appointment but his mom cheers him up. He realizes the dentist isn't scary and gets a toy car at the end.
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  • The Boy Who Didn't Eat His Dinner
    A story about a boy named Jack and the consequences of finishing or not finishing his dinner.
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  • Timmy and the Scavenger Hunt:
    Children's Book based on Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning, Learning Motivation, and Locus of Control.
  • Self Management
    This book explains what self-management is, why it's important, and the positive results and skills associated with it.
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