Power Dynamics Books

  • What is Power?
    Tonatiuh and his mom visit a museum and discuss the power dynamics in Aztec mythology. They learn about jealousy, emotions, and the importance of using power for good.
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  • Chubby and Friends Part 4: The Journey to Joy
    In the Friendly Forest, Samantha navigates family changes and bullying about her gorilla stepdad, finding strength in flying and love, ultimately achieving her dreams and uni…
  • Salem Town Vs. Salem Village
    The story describes the differences between Salem Village and Salem Town, the arrival of Reverend Parris, and the events leading to the witchcraft accusations in the village.
  • The Case of the Missing Pencil (Based on the ten amendments)
    Mariam navigates the power dynamics in her school, learning about rules, consequences, and personal freedoms.
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  • The Ship and the Ocean
    A ship's journey on the ocean serves as a metaphor for a society under democracy, highlighting the power dynamics between the government and the population.
    Introduction to Global Englishes and the importance of English as a lingua franca in today's globalized world. Discusses the different models and descriptions of the spread o…
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  • Perfectly Poetic
    A collection of short poems celebrating self-confidence, the power of storytelling, the beauty of nature, and the dynamics of friendship.
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  • The Wolf and The Pig with the Crazy Idea
    A story about a little pig who rebels against a mean landlord with the help of wolves, but faces consequences and learns about power dynamics.
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