Preservice Program Books

  • ABC BOOK Dr. Vickie Trask
    A collection of reflections and assignments from a preservice teaching program, covering topics such as classroom management, building relationships, and self-reflection.
    A short story introducing body parts, written by two pre-service teachers for preschool students.
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  • Lucy and the animals Brigth-Yasmin
    A child named Lucy asks various animals if they like different foods, receiving mixed responses.
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    Gumball struggles to wake up early, causing chaos at home and school, but hopes to change his routine for a better day ahead.
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  • ABC's of TCSJ Pre-Service
    A list of educational terms and concepts, each explained briefly. The story covers topics such as assessments, Bloom's Taxonomy, collaboration, drawings, ELPAC, Freckle, Goog…
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  • Ana the healthy giraffe
    Anna, a giraffe who doesn't eat fruits or vegetables, learns to eat healthy with the help of her friend Pepe the Penguin.
  • The Coolest Story Ever
    A reading teacher introduces a new approach to learning, using a story about a king's control over reading. The students discuss the importance of choice and freedom in educa…
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