This book is dedicated to all of my wonderful peers in my cohort. Thank you for being a great support system. Best of luck in your careers and your teaching programs.

is for Assessments
4 Types of assessments are...
Diagnostic: Identifies students baseline
Formative: Checks for knowledge/understanding after taught concepts. (i.e. test, quiz, KWL worksheet)
Benchmark/Interim: conducted throughout the year to help identify if a skill or standard has been mastered
Summative: conducted at the years end to establish if the student met standards based off the curriculum.
Curr122:Curr. Instruction & Assessment in education/ SPED TPE 8: Learning about students

is for Bloom's Taxonomy
Curr112: Physiology of Teaching/ SPED TPE6: Develope appropriate teaching practices

Ordering of cognitive skills that may help teachers teach and students learn.
Six levels include
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation
is for Collaboration
Curr113: Creating a learning community/ SPED TPE 5: Stydent Engagement

Collaboration can be conducted with teachers as well as students.
Teacher- Teacher: helps build teamwork and ideas to help deliver the curriculum in multiple ways
Student-Student: Working in groups helps build community in the classroom and encourages peer taught education increasing student learning, participation, and inclusion.
Teacher-Student: Helps build rapport which will improve classroom management, learning, and build confidence in student abilities.
is for Drawings
Curr119: Access for all students/ SPED TPE4: Making Content Accessible

Providing visual aids in the classroom is not only helpful to English learners, it is helpful to students with multiple learning disabilities, such as ADD, sensory processing delays, students hard of hearing, etc. Adding visual aids helps add excitement to lessons as well as provides greater opportunity for memory and recall.
is for ELPAC
Curr114: Teaching ELL/ SPED TPE7: Teacing English Learbers

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the mandated state test for determining English language proficiency (ELP). It must be given to students whose primary language is one other than English.
How an EL scores will dictate the level of services they receive. It is important to understand students needing to be placed in an ELD program doesn't automatically qualify them for special education services.

is for FRECKLE
Curr122: Instruction, assessment, in education/ SPED TPE 3 Use of assessments

Freckle is a free app teachers can utilize to conduct all assessment levels. Freckle conducts Pre-tests in math, ELA, social studies and science. The program adjusts to the level of each student and provides a report of progress to the teacher. Freckle also has grade level appropriate lesson plans for all subjects.

is for GOOGLE
Curr119: Tech in the classroom/ SPED TPE 9(f): Instructional Planning

Google has dominated the education system. Students are using google chrome books, docs, slides, and forms for all of their school projects. Google is user friendly and also has the capacity to use speech to text which is a helpful accommodation for students with specific learning disabilities.
Teachers also use google classroom which allows for teacher organization and can help students communicate with their teacher outside of the classroom as well.
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This book is dedicated to all of my wonderful peers in my cohort. Thank you for being a great support system. Best of luck in your careers and your teaching programs.

is for Assessments
4 Types of assessments are...
Diagnostic: Identifies students baseline
Formative: Checks for knowledge/understanding after taught concepts. (i.e. test, quiz, KWL worksheet)
Benchmark/Interim: conducted throughout the year to help identify if a skill or standard has been mastered
Summative: conducted at the years end to establish if the student met standards based off the curriculum.
Curr122:Curr. Instruction & Assessment in education/ SPED TPE 8: Learning about students

is for Bloom's Taxonomy
Curr112: Physiology of Teaching/ SPED TPE6: Develope appropriate teaching practices

Ordering of cognitive skills that may help teachers teach and students learn.
Six levels include
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation
is for Collaboration
Curr113: Creating a learning community/ SPED TPE 5: Stydent Engagement

Collaboration can be conducted with teachers as well as students.
Teacher- Teacher: helps build teamwork and ideas to help deliver the curriculum in multiple ways
Student-Student: Working in groups helps build community in the classroom and encourages peer taught education increasing student learning, participation, and inclusion.
Teacher-Student: Helps build rapport which will improve classroom management, learning, and build confidence in student abilities.
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