Memory Techniques Books

  • Felix the Fisherman: The big one that got away
    Felix, a young boy who loves fishing, uses different memory techniques to catch the biggest bass of his life.
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  • The Sea of Thieves
    Captain Bryson, after waking up from a coma, tries to remember where he buried his treasure with the help of Jeleina and various memory techniques.
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  • How the horse was decorated
    You will learn how people decorated the horse in the East
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  • The Ballet Dancers Big Day
    Isabelle, a 9-year-old dancer, prepares for a competition. She uses different memory techniques and helps her teammates. Despite a last-minute change, the performance is succ…
  • ABC's of TCSJ Pre-Service
    A list of educational terms and concepts, each explained briefly. The story covers topics such as assessments, Bloom's Taxonomy, collaboration, drawings, ELPAC, Freckle, Goog…
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  • The Learning Memory With The Monkey King
    A monkey king learns different types of memory processing, storage, and retrieval techniques.
  • The Forgetful Ant
    Kevin, a forgetful ant, loses his home and memories after hitting his head. He embarks on a journey to find his way back with the help of different memory techniques.
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  • The Story of My Life
    A girl named Sophia Hamlett shares the milestones and aspirations of her life so far, including learning, pets, and future dreams.
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