Presidency Books

  • Awesome Pants!
    Joey, a young boy born in Germany, faces hardships after losing his parents. He travels to America, lives in an orphanage, escapes, and eventually becomes the President due t…
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  • Doof, Moo Moo and Friends
    Bob wants to be President and goes through the process of becoming one. He is elected as the new president and renames the town Bob town.
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  • Meet George! The Biography of George Washington
    The life and achievements of George Washington, from his early years to his presidency and legacy.
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    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • The Life of Nelson Mandela
    This biography of Nelson Mandela highlights his life, from his birth in 1918 to his death in 2013. It covers his education, activism, imprisonment, and presidency, emphasizin…
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  • Andrew Jackson
    A somewhat disorganized and choppy story about Andrew Jackson's life, including his childhood, military career, presidency, and the Indian Removal Act.
  • Presidential Election for Kids!
    This informative book explains the process of becoming the President of the United States. It covers joining a political party, running in primaries and caucuses, attending c…
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  • Richard Nixon's Presidency
    A brief overview of Richard Nixon's presidency, including his election, trip to China, the Watergate scandal, and resignation.
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