President Hoover Books

  • President Hoover
    This is a brief biography of Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, highlighting his early life, presidency, and legacy.
  • The Great Depression
    A young girl narrates her family's struggles during the Great Depression, including job loss, poverty, and living in a Hooverville.
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  • Great Depression & Dust Bowl
    A brief overview of the hardships faced during the Great Depression, including unemployment, soup kitchens, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, President Hoover's response, Roo…
  • ABC's of The Great Depression
    A brief overview of Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and key events during his presidency.
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  • Transportation And Cars Of Presidents
    All about the presidents what they used for transportation and what car they drove
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  • Bud Not Buddy
    A young boy named Buddy searches for his father during the Great Depression, facing discrimination and finding solace in music.
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  • Herbert Hoover and the great depression
    A brief overview of President Herbert Hoover's life, the Great Depression, and his response to it.
  • Family Life During the Great Depression
    A woman recounts her family's experiences during the Great Depression, including their move to California, struggles to find work, and hope for a better future.
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