Pricing Books

  • Pricing
    A comprehensive guide to pricing and related concepts, including price determination, pricing strategies, and government regulations.
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  • Price Booklet
    The story provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of pricing, including different forms of price, the importance of price, steps to determine price, and various …
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    A comprehensive guide to pricing, covering topics such as price determination, demand elasticity, government regulations, and various pricing strategies.
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  • Elmanora's MYSTICAL Avatar Shop
    A cute shop where you could buy Avatars.
    For Lilah Shwarz
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  • Supply and Demand
    Josie and Jamie learn about supply and demand, pricing, budgeting, and the black market while searching for a pumpkin.
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  • Pricing Booklet $!! Cam Carter
    This story provides definitions and explanations of various pricing concepts and strategies, such as price discrimination, skimming pricing, and everyday low prices.
  • Dylan Has a Yard Sale
    Dylan wants popular shoes but can't afford them. His mom teaches him about marketing and he has a successful yard sale to earn money.
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    A collection of definitions and explanations about various pricing strategies, laws, and concepts.
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