Probabilities Books

  • What Are The Chances?
    Edward, a red seahorse, and his crab friends, Evan and Elaine, go on an adventure to make new friends and learn about probability.
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  • A Likely Outcome
    Sam and Sid explore the ocean, find a treasure chest, and answer probability questions to unlock it.
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    Four friends in a Brooklyn playground learn about probability through games and real-life examples.
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  • Probability Dictionary
    An introduction to probability concepts, including definitions and formulas. Also includes a brief personal introduction.
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  • Predicting Probability with Friends.
    Thomas and his friends conduct a probability experiment with colored balls. They tally the outcomes and learn about probability.
  • Amanda's Growth Portfolio
    This book is a comprehensive guide for teachers, discussing various teaching strategies such as the Learning Continuum, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry Based Learning, Pr…
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  • Paths of Probability
    Arya discovers an Enchanted Garden with four paths, learning about probability as she makes choices that affect her wish for peace or wisdom.
  • probability for kids
    An introduction to probability, including theoretical and experimental probability, independent and dependent events, and likelihood.
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