Problems With Pilgrims Books

  • The Unknown Wampanoag
    This book provides information about the Wampanoag tribe, including their celebrations, beliefs, leaders, daily life, language, lands, history, and cool facts.
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  • The Voyage of the Pilgrims
    Elizabeth Hopkins recounts her family's journey on the Mayflower to the New World, their struggles in Plymouth, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • ABC's of Thanksgiving
    A list of Thanksgiving-related words and sentences, providing information about the holiday and the author's personal experiences.
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  • Journey To Plymouth
    Addy, an English pilgrim, boards the Mayflower in 1620 with her family and other passengers. They face a dangerous voyage, settle in Plymouth, and form friendships with Nativ…
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  • New England Colonies
    A brief overview of the history and significant events in New England, including the establishment of colonies, religious freedom, witch trials, and government structure.
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  • Early Settlers of America
    A somewhat disorganized and incomplete overview of the exploration and colonization of the New World by Spain, France, and England, as well as the establishment of English co…
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  • Thanks giving day
    A brief history of the Mayflower voyage, the Pilgrims, their first winter, and Thanksgiving.
  • The History of Islam (Kids Edition)
    A historical account of the development of Islam, the life of Muhammad, and the impact of Muslims on science and medicine.
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