Protein Structure Books

  • DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis
    An informative book about DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, explaining their structures, functions, and processes.
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  • Doge's Digestive System
    What happens to food after it is swallowed by a dog?
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  • Organelles of an Animal Cell
    An informative book that compares the different parts of a cell to various organs and systems in the human body.
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  • Halle's Heart
    Halle's Heart is a book about the circulatory system and how to keep your heart healthy. It provides information about the heart's structure, function, and importance of a he…
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  • Life as a Macromolecule
    Carbohydrate Carl, Lipid Lily, Protein Polly, and Nucleic Nate are macromolecules that provide energy, structure, and genetic information to living organisms.
  • Book O' Genetics
    This is an informative piece about genetics, covering topics such as DNA, RNA, transcription, translation, protein structure, mutations, and DNA technology. It provides a det…
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  • The Village of Cells
    A description of a microscopic village called Cell Village, where different organelles represent various buildings and functions.
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  • The Cell for Kids
    A conversation between a wise owl and some curious visitors about the structure and functions of animal and plant cells.
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