Pucks Books

  • Puck
    A fairy king sends his servant, Puck, on a quest to retrieve a magical mirror that makes anyone who looks into it fall in love with the next person they see. Puck's journey i…
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  • Patrick the Puck
    Patrick the Puck dreams of being a stick but realizes he loves being a puck.
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  • Hockey!
    Mike, a hockey player, asks Coach Dave if he can put hockey pucks on dots in a pattern. They discuss the number of pucks and create a table and graph to represent it.
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  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
    A retelling of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' where lovers get mixed up, fairies play tricks, and actors put on a hilarious performance.
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  • Puck's Prank
    Four lovers in a complicated love square get caught up in a prank by a fairy, causing chaos and confusion.
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  • The Great Stone Warrior!
    The Super Buddies, Puck the Panda, Wallie the Alligator, and Pocket the Penguin, save a village in China from an evil Stone Warrior.
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  • GAME ON!
    kayden is a Canadian kid who doesn't like hockey (GASP!) Tired of being taunted by his Dad and brother about not being a hockey fan, Kayden runs away and ends up lost in a ce…
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  • How to Play Hockey
    An introduction to hockey, covering gear, pucks, laces, fun games, and providing some fun facts and a glossary.
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