This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Once upon a time, in a distant land stood a
tall, thick wood filled with the greatest of trees
with the greenest of leaves but what made this
wood special wasn't the trees at all. Inside this
wood was a great many fairies of all
different kinds, some short, others tall, but this
tale starts with one in particular, the fairy King.
This king ruled the magic forest with pride in the
love he felt for his subjects, but he grew weary
that his subjects didn't love him back. After long
thought over this he decided to fetch a relic he had
once heard of as a child, and with it he would
gain the love of everyone to look upon him.

"Puck!" the king calls.
"Yes sire, how may I be of service?" he hears
in response as his faithful servant puck enters
the room.
"I need for you to fetch me a mirror" Says
the king.
"Surely." says puck, and in a blink he returns
with a hand mirror from the kings quarters.

"No no." Says the king. "I request a magical mirror, one bound to make the looker fall in
love with the next person he or she may see."
"But where might I come to find such a wonderful mirror?"
"Legend says this mirror can be found at the edge of the wood, just before the sea. You
must travel south to the sea and search for it in a cave along the rocks."
"Well sire, why would such a relic be left along the sand?" he asks.
"The stories say that is was once belonged to a very beautiful mermaid, and that one
sight of her would bring any man to his knees with admiration of its beauty." The king
says with a distant look in his eye. "A mortal man decided to take a swim in the ocean
one evening and was captivated by her as he wade in the water. Forgetting the need to
breath he swam after her, hoping to get a glimpse of her face and all he could see was
the reflection of her beauty on a mirror stuck in an undersea cave. Before he passed away
his dyeing wish was to find the one who's beauty inspired his death and so that very love
was stained onto the mirror until the mermaid looks into it one more time." The fairy king
finishes before coming back to his senses.
"Are you sure its still there my king, isn't it a very old story?" Puck asked.
"Yes, it is an old tale, but the only way to know for certain is to see for one's self so go
and see." The king waves his hand as to spur puck to leave and puck sprints from the
palace to the depths of the wood.

Through the forest puck runs as he heads for the sea when he comes across a
bridge. As he goes to cross a stumpy old troll appears at the end of the bridge.
"You may not pass lest you pay the troll toll." he croaks at puck.
"But troll, I don’t own any money." Puck answers.
"No need for money, you must have a shiny piece about you do you not?"
asked the Troll with a toothless smile.
Puck thinks for a moment and removes a shiny washer from his pocket he had
removed from an old toy earlier that day. "Will this do?" Puck asks.
With a glint of glee in the trolls eyes he snatches it from pucks hands and
vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Proceeding through the forest, Puck grows tired and takes a nap in the bushes
under an oak tree. As he naps he is awoken by the frilly sound of a girl
yammering with another girl. Peering through the bushes he sees that they are
gaggling about a wedding between themselves, and two gentlemen named
Lysander and Demetrius. At the hearing that there will be a wedding he grows
happy and carefree (as many ferries do in the presents of possible merriment)
and reveals himself from the brush.
"A wedding! Congratulations!" He chimes to the girls in the woods. Seeing him,
the girls jump and grow fearful that he is a demon or something of the like and
begin to run and call for their lovers. At this puck speeds away to the cost
hoping to be out of their hands before even realizing he had reached his goal.
As puck walked across the sand in search of the mirror he had forgotten that he
had not been given directions to where on the beach he needed to go. He stood
there pondering for a moment when a large shadow cast across the sand. In
fright he ran into the nearest tree line to see what was chasing him. As he
looked up he saw a marvelous golden dragon flying low over the water in search
for food. As he watched in wonder at the sight of such a rare creature, it circled
around again before disappearing in the rocky cliff to his left.

“Where does something as large as a dragon disappear to?” he
thought to himself.
As he walked along the base of the cliff he was startled by a tongue of
flame breaching the cliff wall beside him. Doubling over in fright, puck
dodges the heat of the fire with his brilliant speed. Shaking in his
shoes he walks back to the wall but sees no cave or hole that the fire
could have come from.
Puzzled, Puck watches for a while to see if any traces of smoke
would reveal the entrance to the dragons cave before growing bored
and irritated. In frustration Puck grabs a rock and whirls it at the cliff,
but instead of bouncing off it goes strait through! Marveled, Puck
slowly walked to the cliff with his hands stretched out but the rocky
surface doesn’t stop him. Instead a cool feeling overwhelms him and
he falls strait into the cliff.

Puck yelps in surprise as his long nose meets the earth under him and in response hears a loud
roar. Chills run down Puck’s spine as he looks up to face the dragon and see’s that it is asleep
on a mound of wondrous treasures. The shine of gold and silver coins strikes joy inside of him.
Forgetting about the dragon all together he rummages through the treasure finding swords and
bows, chests of gems and gilded candlesticks.
In mid placement of a golden crown upon his head puck see’s his prize. The mermaids
mirror was sitting atop the pile by the dragons massive head. With a sigh he climbs the pile of
prizes stored by the greedy dragon, when finally reaching the mirror Puck tries to grab its edges
and notices a stir in the dragons sleep. Startled he hides behind the mirror as the shining globe
of the dragons eye scans his treasure as if he sensed someone was thieving from him before he
fell back to sleep.
“Poor dragon, how long must it been since he’s seen any other being besides his own
reflection.” Puck thought to himself. “Seems almost a crime to take that away from him, but if
the King requests it, then so it must be.” With a heave Puck grips the mirror and starts walking
down the pile when his foot catches on a chest and sends him sprawling down to the bottom.

The loud banging and clanging of the avalanche of treasure wakes the dragon in a stir. Running for his life Puck
jumps through the enchanted entrance just before the flames reached his back. As he dodged the dragons fire
the giant golden head of the beast emerged from the cave. In fright Puck ducked behind the mirror and out of
sight of the dragon.
With a puff of billowing smoke the dragon touched his giant snout against the mirror, nearly knocking Puck
over. Then it hit him, the dragon was in love with its own reflection. No wonder it went wild as he ran with it, to
the dragon, this is another dragon. Slowly Puck began to inch sideways towards the tree line but a low, deep
rumble stopped him. and the dragon once again touched the mirror.
"What do I do, I can't even move without the beast freaking out!" Puck says to himself. Before he has time to
even think of an answer, his legs buckle underneath the weight of the mirror and it falls strait forward leaving
nothing between Puck and the dragon. Frozen with fear puck stares into the eyes of the beast expecting to be
roasted at any moment but the startled dragon just stares at him, his deep golden eyes fixated on Puck as if he
were some strange insect that he wasn't sure to squash or keep in a jar.
With another rumble the dragon belches smoke and cinders before ramming his snout into Pucks gut. With a
squeal Puck feints and wakes up to the hot breath of a dragon propping him up onto his feet. Confused at the
fact that he was still alive, Puck turns around and looks back at the mirror face down in the sand. "Of course!"
Puck exclamed. "The last thing that beast saw after staring at his own mug was my face!"

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time, in a distant land stood a
tall, thick wood filled with the greatest of trees
with the greenest of leaves but what made this
wood special wasn't the trees at all. Inside this
wood was a great many fairies of all
different kinds, some short, others tall, but this
tale starts with one in particular, the fairy King.
This king ruled the magic forest with pride in the
love he felt for his subjects, but he grew weary
that his subjects didn't love him back. After long
thought over this he decided to fetch a relic he had
once heard of as a child, and with it he would
gain the love of everyone to look upon him.

"Puck!" the king calls.
"Yes sire, how may I be of service?" he hears
in response as his faithful servant puck enters
the room.
"I need for you to fetch me a mirror" Says
the king.
"Surely." says puck, and in a blink he returns
with a hand mirror from the kings quarters.
- END >
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