Quizzing Books

  • The narrator, a student named Robert, shares his love for quizzing and extra-curricular activities, and how they make him enjoy school. He also discusses the concept of Hypot…
  • Foxes A Great Species
    A child learns various facts about foxes, including their speed, lifespan, habitat, and behavior.
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  • How to Effectively Study
    This book provides tips and strategies for effective studying, including creating a productive environment, eating healthy snacks, eliminating distractions, and taking breaks.
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  • Out of this World
    Barry, a musical alien from planet Luxiam, becomes a pirate on Earth and befriends a dragon named Helga.
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  • Alliterative Alphabet Book
    Third grade students at Lowell Elementary created an alliterative alphabet book.
  • The spirits of Trevinor The Spirit of water
    Mizu the Kokoro finds her inner warrior when she becomes Trevinor's water spirit!
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  • Oh dad! Happy Fathers day!
    Father's day is coming soon, read this book to your dad on their special day!
  • What I learned in the Past
    Thomas, a student struggling with studying, travels back in time and learns about Judaism and Zoroastrianism, gaining knowledge for his test.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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