Raccoons Books

  • Bobby The Raccoon
    Bobby, a jolly raccoon, finds an abandoned house in the woods. He lives there happily until it gets demolished and he escapes to the woods.
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  • Fun Facts about Procyon Lotor Raccoons
    An informative book about raccoons, covering their habitat, diet, adaptations, predators, appearance, special features, and interesting facts.
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  • Lola Raccoon Reads her ABC's By Lene Guy
    An alphabet book that introduces various words and concepts, from magic to victory, with rhyming verses and colorful illustrations.
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  • Are You Ready to Twist Your Tongue!?
    This book explores the alphabet consonants using alliterations, rhymes, and tongue twisters. Enjoy
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  • The Friendly Raccoon
    A young raccoon overcomes his fear of a creature in the lake and learns the power of a smile to make friends.
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  • Little Raccoon and Wise Elder Owl
    This story was written for EDUC 496 Indigenous Perspectives in Education.

    It is about a Little Raccoon who wants to find a way to thank the Mother Earth for all tha…
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  • Ralph the Raccoon and Ben the Butterfly
    Ralph the Raccoon and Ben the Butterfly go on an adventure to clean up a trash-filled jungle with their friends. They learn about recycling and taking care of the environment.
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  • Ralph The Raccoon
    Ralph the raccoon lives in the forest with various animals. He finds a friend, Rachel, and they play together all day.
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