Ranching Books

  • Horses
    A book for horse lovers, a load of info and a book just for you to enjoy!!
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  • Cattle Queen
    The story of Lizzie Johnson, a talented and accomplished woman known as the 'Cattle Queen' who excelled in driving cattle, teaching, and real estate.
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  • Horses
    An informative text about horses, their breeds, uses, and the author's personal interest in them.
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  • the journey
    A narrative about the author's great grandparents' journey to Colorado, their life in a log cabin, and their experiences in school and on a ranch.
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  • My Story
    Tylyn LeBeau, a rancher from Promise, South Dakota, shares her love for the outdoors, sports, and reading, and how she encourages children to read.
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  • My Southern Culture
    Sarah, an education major from a ranching family, shares her daily routine and the importance of family, faith, and rodeo in her culture.
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  • Two Creek Ranch
    Two Creek Ranch is a large ranch in Abbgalia, primarily used for livestock farming. It faces challenges with organic interest and aims to focus on efficiency and affordabilit…
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  • A New Life
    Hallie, a girl from Alabama, fulfills her dream of living on a ranch in Montana. She faces challenges when the government tries to shut down ranches, but ultimately succeeds …
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