Real-life Application Books

  • the three states of matter
    An informational text explaining the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, with examples and real-life applications.
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  • A Story About Bond, Chemical Bond
    Bond learns about different types of chemical bonds, molecular shapes, and real-life applications of chemical bonding.
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  • Periodic Table Information and Everything You Need To Know
    The story provides a detailed explanation of the periodic table, including periods, groups, protons, metals, nonmetals, metalloids, valance electrons, and various element gro…
  • Chemical Bonding
    Two stories about ionic and covalent bonding, their properties, and real-life applications.
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  • ABC Book
    A list of math terms and definitions, with a brief mention of real-life applications.
  • Learn Radians and Degree In Unit Circle
    This book explains what a unit circle is, its real-life applications, and the difference between degrees and radians.
  • ABC's of Math
    An alphabetical list of math terms and definitions, with a brief mention of real-life application.
    A child explores various simple machines and real-life applications of math and science in everyday activities.
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