Recommendations Books

  • Learning About Food Groups
    This informative book provides examples and recommendations for daily servings of different food groups.
    Eye Icon 705
    Star Icon 6
  • Pokemon
    A brief introduction to Pokemon and its mega evolutions, followed by a mention of The Three Bears and a book recommendation.
    Eye Icon 6256
    Star Icon 173
  • Hurricanes
    Ajnin, Brown Beard, and Olly the Alien discuss hurricanes and how they form, their effects, and safety recommendations.
    Eye Icon 1781
    Star Icon 12
  • Our Favorite Games
    Do you like games do you want to see our favorite make sure you check our book out
    Eye Icon 250
    Star Icon 15
  • Deserts
    This book provides information about deserts, including their climate, plants, animals, and adaptations. It also recommends other books on the topic.
    Eye Icon 507
    Star Icon 7
  • Listen up!
    Olivia recommends several books and poses a math problem. She also promotes her own books and event.
    Eye Icon 149
    Star Icon 23
  • Paranormal Romance Fanatic
    An introduction to the YA fantasy genre and a personal favorite sub-genre, paranormal romance, with recommendations for further reading.
    Eye Icon 175
    Star Icon 10
  • Life is like a chapter book
    A personal reflection on the importance of reading and the impact it had on the author's life, along with recommendations for favorite books and authors.
    Eye Icon 489
    Star Icon 7
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