Red Envelopes Books

  • Chinese New Year
    Chinese New Year is a vibrant and exciting holiday celebrated by Chinese people worldwide. It lasts for fifteen days and involves traditions such as wearing red and gold, giv…
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  • Celebrating Lunar New Year
    James and Sarah discuss Lunar New Year and its traditions, including family gatherings, special foods, and red envelopes.
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  • Traditions of Chinese New Year
    This book provides an overview of the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year, including the New Year's Eve dinner, gift-giving, fireworks, markets, and drago…
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  • Lunar New Year (Tết Nguyên Đán)
    A description of Lunar New Year and its traditions, including family reunions, red envelopes, lion dances, and more.
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  • 中国新年
    A description of Chinese New Year traditions, including wearing new clothes, giving red envelopes, making dumplings, and more. Also includes the legend of Nian and the zodiac…
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  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • Chinese New Years Peyton and Zoe
    A brief introduction to various activities and traditions during Chinese New Year, including decorations, family meals, fireworks, red envelopes, and cultural performances.
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  • Chinese New Year
    A detailed description of the Chinese New Year celebration, including its origins, traditions, and significance.
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