Reggae Books

  • Famous People
    Gareth Frank Bale is a Welsh footballer who plays for Real Madrid and the Welsh National Team. John Felix Anthony Cena is a successful superstar in the WWE. Willi Williams is…
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  • Bob Marley
    A biography of Bob Marley, a famous Reggae musician, his life, music, and impact on society.
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  • Bob Marley: A Legend
    The story of Bob Marley, his childhood in Jamaica, his musical journey, and his impact on reggae music.
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    A brief biography of Bob Marley, his family, achievements, and impact on music and culture.
  • Jammin' in Jamaica
    Lily and Jake have an adventurous Christmas holiday in Jamaica, exploring the beaches, mountains, reggae concerts, and gift-giving ceremonies.
  • salsa and jamician reggae
    This story provides an overview of salsa and reggae music, including their origins, characteristics, and influences.
  • South Africa music and Arts
    A brief overview of South African art, music, and the kente cloth, with some information on reggae music and Nollywood.
  • The Adventures of Grandpa Michealangelo
    Grandpa Michael goes on a pilgrim's adventure with his grandson Nelson, encountering magical creatures and finding their battle-friend Michelle-Angela.
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