Regulation Books

  • The Kingdom of Intellectual Property
    In the Kingdom of Internet, a conflict arises when Earth people use the kingdom's digital media without permission. The king and his council decide to create regulations on s…
  • Football soccer
    The story provides a comprehensive overview of the sport of football, including its various forms worldwide, rules and regulations, equipment used, and field dimensions. It a…
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  • The Cell Cycle
    This book provides an overview of cell division, including mitosis, cytokinesis, and the eukaryotic cell cycle. It also discusses the regulation of the cell cycle and its imp…
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  • When My Feelings Feel Too Big A Story About Emotional Regulation for Kids
    The story is about a young girl named Mila who shares her experiences from Kindergarten, focusing on emotional regulation. She explains how emotions can impact decision-makin…
  • Regulations
    A list of safety guidelines and regulations for a daycare center, covering topics such as equipment, child ratios, hygiene, field trips, and more.
    The story provides information about different types of resources, their uses, problems, and possible solutions.
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  • Millie Hughes- Fulford : A Trip To Space
    The story of Millie Hughes-Fulford, a scientist and astronaut who made significant contributions to the field of biomedical research.
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  • New Citizenship Regulations
    Devin reports on new policies requiring foreign partners of Australian residents to complete 500 hours of English courses to gain permanent residency. Mr. Tudge, the Minister…
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