Rental Books

    A description of the famous cat and mouse duo, Tom and Jerry, and their enduring popularity.
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  • The Investment
    The Manning twins embark on a journey to learn about investments and make their first investment in a rental house, facing challenges along the way.
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  • 公寓出租 Apartment for Rent
    A person is looking for an apartment and finds one that suits their needs. They arrange to visit the apartment on Wednesday.
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  • The Adventures of Yellow Dog
    A dog named Rebel recounts his adventures and experiences with his family and other pets, highlighting the bond they share.
  • The Great Skiing Trip: The Second Story from Zam the Wizard
    Zam goes on a ski trip with his friends Mina and Liam.
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  • The Great Gatsby [abridged]
    A young man named Nick moves to New York and becomes entangled in the lives of his wealthy neighbors, including the mysterious Jay Gatsby.
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  • Donald's Summer Adventures In MONTREAL
    A poetic journey through Montreal, exploring its landmarks, culture, and activities during the summer. The story is filled with vivid descriptions and rhymes, capturing the e…
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  • The Desert
    After a car crash in the desert, Jack must survive alone with dangerous creatures and extreme conditions.
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