Representational Books

  • Different Kinds of Art
    This is a book about different kinds of two dimensional art. I used pieces of my own work as examples of two dimensional art work.
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    The story introduces string art as an art form and its history, materials, and techniques.
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  • Social Issues Story Accessibility for students with disabilities
    The story emphasizes the importance of inclusive and accessible learning environments for all students, including those with disabilities.
    This is a brief biography of Constantin Brâncuși, a Romanian sculptor known for his modernist style and influence on 20th-century sculpture.
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  • lil' kids book of the
    An overview of the principles of popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, and individual rights as outli…
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  • Elizabeth II
    This story provides information about the role of Queen Elizabeth II, her duties, and her achievements as the longest-reigning monarch in British history.
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  • Ideal Classroom Environment
    This story discusses the elements of an ideal classroom environment that promotes growth mindset, collaboration, problem-solving, differentiation, and inclusivity.
  • Party Time!
    Jenny is planning her 8th birthday party and needs help with various math problems related to the party preparations.
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