Rock Formations Books

  • The Formations of the Rock Types
    Two stories about the formation of rocks: Granite and Sandstone. Also, an explanation of metamorphic rocks.
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  • The Hard Rock Life
    Rocky the Rock, a rock of many identities, goes through the rock cycle and learns about different types of rocks and their formation.
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  • My Personal Rock Collection
    The story explains the rock cycle and describes different types of rocks, their formation, and where they are found.
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  • Rowan the Rock
    A story about the formation and types of rocks, told through the journey of a rock named Rowan. It covers the rock cycle, different rock classifications, and includes a gloss…
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  • The Rock Cycle
    Rocky the rock guides readers through the rock cycle, explaining the formation of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
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  • The Rock Cycle
    The story explains the rock cycle, including the formation of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
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  • the rock cycle
    A brief explanation of the rock cycle, with a focus on sedimentary rocks and their formation.
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  • Fun Facts About Rocks!
    An informational book about rocks, including types, pronunciation, fun facts, formation, and history. Some errors in grammar and organization.
    Eye Icon 81
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