Rocky Mountains Books

    This book introduces various types of trucks and their purposes, from dump trucks to ice cream trucks. It also mentions some interesting facts about each type of truck.
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • The Wondrous Wormhole
    Travel with Wiggles and Waggles through the wormhole and learn about outer space!
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  • Colorado
    An informative book about the geography, climate, and attractions of Colorado, including its land features, ski resorts, and unpredictable weather.
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  • Snow Leopards
    This book provides information about snow leopards, including their body, habitat, food, life cycle, and fun facts.
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  • Plate Tectonics Project.
    An introduction to plate tectonics, including the theory of continental drift, Earth's interior layers, different types of boundaries, and related features like mountains, vo…
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  • National Parks and Mountains
    This Includes Yellowstone National Park
    , Grand Teton National Park and Glacier National Park.
  • Rocky: A Dog in Space
    Rocky, a dog, gets lost in space but is rescued by a little green man named Kevin and reunited with his family on Earth.
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