Role Play Books

  • A Christmas to Remember
    For people who would like to know the true meaning of Christmas!
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  • The Girl Who Was Afraid To Shine
    Sophia, a quiet girl, overcomes her fears and auditions for the main role in a play, despite her best friend's opposition.
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  • Brookhaven RP
    A description of the popular Roblox game Brookhaven RP, including updates, houses, premium features, and game passes.
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  • PRINCESS ANDREINA The story of a princess who overcame her sadness
    This is a (K-3rd Grade) childrens'book that sheds light on mental health. this uplifting story provides information and hope to anyone who is experiencing deep sadness. Expos…
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  • Randee's family book
    RJ shares about their blended family, the functions they serve, traditions they celebrate, and the roles they play, highlighting love and support within their family unit.
  • Roblox:Pokemon Brick Bronze 2017 Oct. EVENT
    A player recounts their adventures in a Roblox Pokemon game, trying to catch Mimikyu and Marshadow.
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  • Roblox Adopt Me Guide: Table of Contents.
    This is the Table of Contents for the series of books I'll be doing on this topic. If we get this book to 500 likes on the first 30 days, I"ll be doing a giveaway!
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  • Minecraft Story Mode
    A Minecraft story about a monster destroying the world, with a pig named Reuben playing a heroic role.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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