Roman Mythology Books

  • Roman Mythology
    A brief introduction to Roman and Greek mythology, highlighting the main gods and their attributes.
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    A list of gods and goddesses from Roman mythology, including their domains and attributes.
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  • ABC's of Science
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and their definitions, from astronomy to zoology.
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  • King Midas and the golden touch
    King Midas, a king who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold, learns the consequences of his wish and the importance of gratitude.
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  • The solar system
    It's a fun way to learn about the solar system
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  • Neptune
    A brief overview of the planet Neptune, including its discovery, characteristics, and distance from the sun.
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  • Hercules
    The story of Hercules, a legendary hero in Greek and Roman mythology, known for his superhuman strength and 12 labors.
  • My planet book
    An informative book about the planets in our solar system, providing facts and details about each planet.
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