Salary Books

  • Being a Vet
    A story about Dr. Hudson, a veterinarian who helps animals when they are sick or injured. It also includes information about his education, salary, daily routine, and the imp…
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  • Life as a Pediatrician
    A pediatrician named Karina describes her job, education, and daily routine, as well as the importance of her work and her salary.
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  • Wildlife Biologists and Zoologists
    A description of the work and responsibilities of wildlife biologists, including their education, salary, and fieldwork. The narrator expresses a desire to become a wildlife …
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  • FBI
    An overview of the FBI, its role in crime investigation and national security, and the stress and salary of a detective's job.
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  • The Life of an Architect
    A description of the job of an architect, including education, salary, and daily tasks, with a fun fact about the origin of the word 'architecture'.
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  • ENG301 for and against essay
    The essay discusses whether professional athletes should receive high salaries, presenting arguments for and against. The author concludes that the system is unfair and demot…
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  • Aerospace Engineering
    An introduction to the field of aerospace engineering, covering education, challenges, responsibilities, benefits, salary ranges, gender disparities, job growth, and a glossa…
  • Obstetrician
    This book provides information about obstetricians, their role, education, salary, and tools they use. It also includes a personal touch and advice for aspiring obstetricians.
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