Salinity Books

  • Sam vs. Salinity
    Sam, a yellow fish with reading and speaking difficulties, searches for his friend Olivia. Along the way, he learns about salinity and helps NASA. Olivia returns, they get ma…
  • Squishy Learns About Salinity
    A fish who goes on a quest to learn about salinity.
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  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The story discusses the environmental and health impacts of the shrinking Aral Sea due to agricultural diversion, including increased salinity, loss of wildlife and jobs, and…
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  • Equilibrium and The Ocean
    This informative book explains the importance of ocean salinity and the concept of equilibrium. It discusses the effects of salt levels on weather, marine life, and the carbo…
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  • Billy and The Ocean Currents
    Billy, a fish in an area with changing salinity, faces dangers like density currents and severe storms. He learns to survive and live a long life.
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  • Friends Live Together
    Three friends who love marine biology move in together and have various adventures involving marine ecosystems and organisms.
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  • ocean's water
    The story answers various questions about the ocean, such as why it is blue, clear, brown, salty, gray, and dark.
  • Land Management
    A book about land management in Australia, discussing its impact on the environment, positive and negative effects, and future challenges.
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