Sanitation Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Kitchen Safety And Sanitation
    A guide to kitchen safety and sanitation, providing tips on cleanliness, proper handling of food, and avoiding accidents.
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    A humorous and informative story about kitchen safety and sanitation, featuring G. Bush and Obama as special guests.
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  • Will and Elle Learn Safety and Sanitation
    Two friends, Will and Elle, learn about safety and sanitation while baking cookies with Elle's professional chef mom.
  • Garrett Morgan
    This is the story of Garrett Augustus Morgan, an African American inventor who created the gas mask and traffic light.
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  • safety and sanitation comic strip
    A child learns about kitchen safety through a series of accidents and mishaps.
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  • ABC's of safety and sanitation
    A guide to kitchen safety and hygiene, with a focus on appropriate clothing, handwashing, boiling water, pot handle placement, food temperature, storage, and garbage disposal.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book tells the life story of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights activist in American history, from his childhood to his assassination.
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