Saving Animals Books

  • Saving Animals in the Taiga
    Rachael and Harper visit the taiga, encounter a rock slide, find a baby tiger, save a reindeer, and go snowboarding.
  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Saving Our Animal Friends
    This story is lovingly dedicated to all the brave souls—humans and animals alike—who fight every day to protect our planet. May it inspire readers to take action, care for na…
    Mary and Hanna have a conversation about animals, encounter a sea turtle, and learn about conservation.
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  • Saving Animals
    The story discusses the use of animals in laboratory testing, presenting both the positive and negative aspects. It also provides suggestions on how to help and includes work…
  • Leland the Lion wants to be a Lifeguard
    Leland is a Lion who wants to be a lifeguard but is constantly told he cannot become one. However, he learns the powerful lesson that one can achieve what it is they want to …
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  • EARTH DAY Everyday
    Earth Day Everyday is a book to inspire kids like you to take care of our planet! Learn ways to recycle, save energy, and protect nature. Let's make Earth Day every day!
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  • Let's Save The Environment !
    A call to action to save the planet by reducing, reusing, recycling, planting trees, saving animals, using public transportation, and more.
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