School Bus Books

    Winner of the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections Award in the literacy category for the theme "Look Within". Jubody is about three siblings and their quest to get back home a…
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  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
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    A sad school bus meets various vehicles who reject him, but eventually finds purpose and friendship when he helps lost children.
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  • The Adventures of the Magic School Bus:
    Peter and his classmates go on a field trip inside the human body, encountering various defense mechanisms. Peter gets in trouble but is ultimately saved by his classmates.
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  • The Magic School Bus: Plant Processes
    Ms. Frizzle takes the class inside a plant to learn about the two vital plant processes which help us survive.
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  • The Electric Trail
    Chloe and Cameron go on a school hike, get lost, find an abandoned cabin with a magical TV, learn about co-ops, and find their way back to their group.
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  • Scary Strangers
    This book is about Maria Mae and what happens when she is waiting for her school bus. It is a short story on what is good when dealing with strangers.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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