School Improvement Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Erasmus + project
    A project to improve a school's educational quality and international cooperation through teacher training, student activities, and eTwinning projects.
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  • The First Week of School
    A principal prepares for the start of school, making improvements to the classroom and building relationships with students.
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  • Summer school self Improvement Book
    A student reflects on failing English class, attending summer school, and making changes for the future.
    Wilton is really struggling at school and so his parents decide to get him a tutor. When all of the best tutors are booked up, Wilton's parents hire a tutor with a unique sty…
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    When I was in Grade 7 I used to doodle when I got bored. I created a character called 'Moldy Marvin' during science class one day. In this story, Ryan has a big science test …
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    This book discusses the importance of theater in education, specifically in secondary schools. It explores the benefits of theater for students' personal and social developme…
  • Our School Water Guide
    A student discusses the water sources in their school, including sinks and drinking fountains, and suggests improvements.
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