My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A collection of short descriptions of different seasons, each with a character describing their outfit and activities.
    by Daniela Nejasmic
    Eye Icon 374
  • by Daniela Nejasmic
    Eye Icon 114
  • A collection of short sentences introducing various objects, animals, and letters of the alphabet.
    by Daniela Nejasmic
    Eye Icon 684
    Star Icon 1
  • A description of the city of Bjelovar in Croatia, including its geographical position, economic potentials, history, cultural and historical monuments, and annual events.
    by Daniela Nejasmic
    Eye Icon 22
  • A project to improve a school's educational quality and international cooperation through teacher training, student activities, and eTwinning projects.
    by Daniela Nejasmic
    Eye Icon 148
    Star Icon 1

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