Science Lab Books

    A baby named Rantej Singh shares his daily routine and activities, including cooking, cleaning, shopping, and going to the science lab.
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  • One difference alone
    Louie, a kid in science lab, gets zapped by a beam of light and turns into a bug. With the help of Charlotte the spider and Doc the ant, he returns to normal.
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  • A Visit to The Volcano! An original Shammy story
    Join Shammy, Pila, and Dimo as they go to Hawaii, learn about volcanoes, see Pele, and take a trip inside the Earth. Don't worry though because you will for sure be home in t…
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  • Exploring Science
    A list of seven safety rules for the science lab, emphasizing the importance of following directions and taking precautions to prevent accidents.
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  • The Amazing Science Lab
    Three friends visit a science lab and learn about different forms of energy from a scientist.
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  • Staying safe in the Science Lab
    A book that teaches children about lab safety in a science classroom, covering topics such as walking, wearing lab attire, handling chemicals, broken glass, fire safety, eye …
  • Computer Clues
    Jeff and Alex, two young authors, team up with their new friend Lucy to solve the mystery of stolen computers at their school. Using investigative skills taught by Lucy's FBI…
  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
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