Secession Books

  • The Civil War
    A brief overview of the American Civil War, including its causes, major battles, and impact on the country.
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    A brief overview of key events during the American Civil War, including secession, battles, and important dates.
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  • South Carolina Secession
    A brief history of South Carolina's reaction to Abraham Lincoln's election and the events leading up to its secession from the union.
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  • Southern State Secessions
    A brief overview of Abraham Lincoln's election, the secession of southern states, and the Battle of Fort Sumter during the American Civil War.
  • Civil War Flipbook
    A brief overview of the American Civil War, its causes, and its consequences.
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  • art history clil course
    A brief overview of the life and works of Gustav Klimt, as well as a description of Kandinskij's painting Composition VIII and a mention of Bauhaus and Pop Art.
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  • the Start of the Civil War
    The story provides a historical overview of the events leading to the Civil War, including Lincoln's election, the secession of Southern states, and the attack on Fort Sumter.
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  • Civil War
    A brief overview of the events leading up to and during the American Civil War, including Abraham Lincoln's election, the secession of Southern states, major battles, and Lin…
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