Settling Books

  • Oregon trail
    A girl and her dad travel on the Oregon Trail, encountering various experiences and eventually settling in Oregon.
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  • The Military Move
    Paul's military family is moving to Germany. He shares his experiences of researching, packing, and flying over to their new home.
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  • Olivia & The Horrible Burump
    Olivia moves from the city to the country and relies on her teddy bear, Teddy, for comfort. She hears a scary noise at night and discovers it's just a frog.
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  • The
    The story of Stephen F. Austin, a key figure in Texas history, from his birth to his impact on the state's development and independence.
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  • Andrea and Jim
    A couple's journey from meeting at JFK airport to settling down on a farm and starting a family, with various adventures along the way.
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  • Home Away from Home
    Hazel tells the story of her family's immigration from Myanmar to the USA, their journey, settling in, and hope for a better life.
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  • The Virginia Girl
    The life story of Doris Ann Waddell Beasley, from her difficult childhood to her marriage and family life in Dallas.
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  • All About Christopher Newport
    A quick informative book about Christopher Newport, perfect for primary grades.
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