Shells Books

  • Mr. Crab Goes Shell Hunting
    Mr. Crab goes on a journey to find a new shell, encountering various options along the way. He eventually finds the perfect shell and returns to his old neighborhood.
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  • Jadie Flies Away The Misadventures of a Naughty Parrot
    Thanks for the great feedback. You can find my newest Jadie the Parrot books on
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • Don't Judge A Turtle By It's Shell
    Sammy the dolphin and Coral the mermaid are best friends. They meet Tito the turtle, who wants to play with them but is rejected. Later, they mistake Tito for a rare shell an…
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  • ABC's of California's Tidepools
    Papa works at the aquarium and Mama used to work there so we love the ocean. We love to visit the tide pools especially when there is a king tide. We see so many cool animal…
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  • Sea Turtles
    Aria Shick, a third grader, shares facts about sea turtles in an organized manner, covering topics such as their habitat, shells, reproduction, predators, and fun facts.
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  • The life of Shell Swirl
    Shell Swirl's first day of school is filled with new friends, enemies, and a crush. She navigates the challenges of making friends and avoiding the mean popular girl.
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  • Diary Of A Shell Shockers Egg: The Growing Team
    The adventure continues with Shelldon, and the rest of his team. (This book is a sequel to the original: Diary Of A Shell Shockers Egg, and is based off of the video game She…
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