Shouting Books

  • The old farmer and his animals
    Written and designed by HGMM group as a product of Teaching English for Young Learners
    Eye Icon 5842
    Star Icon 19
  • The Boy Who is Afraid of Water
    A charming story about a fish and a boy who is afraid of water.
    Eye Icon 13896
    Star Icon 231
  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
    Eye Icon 37632
    Star Icon 1480
  • Emmett's Bear
    This book is for my grandson, Emmett Reaves Robinette who I haven't seen since he was 8 months old. I am proudly shouting from all mountain tops my love for him so, one day h…
    Eye Icon 252
    Star Icon 14
  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
    Eye Icon 1295
    Star Icon 94
  • The Three Brothers
    Three competitive brothers try to prove who is the smartest by finding the best way to travel the world.
    Eye Icon 1400
    Star Icon 154
  • Shouting for joy!
    Have you ever felt like shouting? Here's your chance! Read and enjoy!
    Hale is scheduled for what he thinks is a regular checkup with his dentist. Little does he know that his appointment will turn into an international adventure involving spies…
    Eye Icon 5584
    Star Icon 553
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