Siege Weapons Books

  • medieval siege Weapons
    A brief introduction to medieval siege weapons, including the ballista, battering ram, trebuchet, and catapult.
  • the middle ages
    This book provides information about knights, the plague, castles, siege weapons, Vikings, and peasants/serfs during the Middle Ages.
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  • Middle ages informational book
    A brief overview of knights, the plague, Vikings, castles, siege weapons, and peasants in the Middle Ages.
  • Middle Ages
    A brief overview of the role of religion, knights, Vikings, castles, siege weapons, and the plague during the Middle Ages.
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  • Middle Ages
    A collection of informative chapters about knights, Vikings, cathedrals, the plague, castles, and siege weapons in the Middle Ages.
  • The Dark Ages
    An overview of various aspects of the Dark Ages, including knights, castles, cathedrals, the plague, Vikings, and siege weapons.
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  • 6 short stories
    The story provides brief descriptions of the daily lives and activities of different historical figures, including clergy, knights, siege weapons, castles, the plague, and Vi…
  • Medievil Facts and Fun
    A book about knights, castles, siege weapons, Vikings, execution, and Charlemagne.
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