Simple Interest Books

    A person goes to the bank to get a loan and learns about simple interest.
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  • How to Calculate Simple Interest
    A simple explanation of how to calculate simple interest using formulas and examples.
  • Wǒ ài kàn shū 我爱看书 I love reading
    A simple story about a child's hobbies and interests, expressed in Chinese and English.
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  • Heart of Atlanta vs. United States
    Chloe wants to relax at the Heart of Atlanta Motel, but they don’t accept people of color. And she's not the only one being shunned. Will the people just stand by as they co…
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    When I was in Grade 7 I used to doodle when I got bored. I created a character called 'Moldy Marvin' during science class one day. In this story, Ryan has a big science test …
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  • Why Math Is Important
    The story emphasizes the importance of math through examples of people's real-life mistakes due to a lack of mathematical knowledge.
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  • Anton van leeuwenhoek
    The story of Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist known as the Father of Microbiology, and his important discoveries using microscopes.
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  • Rescuing Princess Valentine
    Princess locked in a tower? We've heard this story before. Princess Valentine is no ordinary damsel in distress. This is a tale about finding your inner strength and being yo…
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