Singapore Books

  • Report Card Days
    A diary of a girl attending school in the 1930s, facing challenges and celebrating achievements.
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    A brief description of Singapore Zoo and its animals, highlighting their characteristics.
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  • My Singapore Trip
    A family's trip to Singapore, visiting various attractions and sharing their experiences.
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    A brief history of Singapore from a small fishing village to an independent country, highlighting key events and milestones.
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  • singapore Botanic Gardens
    A brief history and description of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, including its unique features, plants, animals, and preservation strategies.
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  • Singapore: A Garden City
    Join Jane, a tour guide in Singapore, as she takes you on a journey to explore the city's famous landmarks and attractions.
  • Future of Singapore
    A girl time-travels to future Singapore and learns about its advancements in technology, education, and sustainability.
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  • Singapore Wildlife
    A list of various animals and plants found in Southeast Asia, with some humorous comments.
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