Sirens Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • Why I Like Tornado Sirens
    A child explains their fascination with tornado sirens, particularly Siren Head, and shares their favorite siren, the Whelen Vortex.
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  • Siren head encounter
    A 10-year-old girl named Wesley goes camping with her mom and dog. They encounter a terrifying creature named Siren Head in the woods.
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    An astronaut finds himself floating in space only to be greeted by a weird species of people. At first everything seems to be pretty good in this bold new world. But soon thi…
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  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
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  • Siren's Calling
    This is full of classic Greek Myth elements, but with a modern twist about a man who loves his sister.
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  • Malik's Autistic Adventures
    Malik, a child with Autism, explains what Autism is and how it affects him. He shares his unique experiences, challenges, and coping strategies.
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