Ski Resorts Books

  • Colorado
    An informative book about the geography, climate, and attractions of Colorado, including its land features, ski resorts, and unpredictable weather.
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  • Alone but Together Outdoor Education eTwinning Project My city ERZURUM
    Erzurum is a city in Eastern Anatolia with rich cultural heritage and popular winter tourism. It has historical sites, ski resorts, and natural attractions.
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    A travel guide to Kayseri, Turkey, highlighting popular tourist destinations such as ski resorts, national parks, historical sites, and natural wonders.
  • A Trip to the Mountains
    Alice spends Christmas in Colorado, goes skiing with her family, and enjoys hot chocolate by the fire.
  • My Favorite Place
    Mary is excited to write an opinion paper in her writing class. She chooses Provo Canyon as the best place to visit and provides three reasons why.
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    A guide to winter activities, popular food, drinks, and indoor activities in Yalova Güçlü College and Macedonia.
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  • Winter in Macedonia
    A description of four ski resorts in Macedonia, highlighting their features and attractions for winter sports enthusiasts.
  • International Mountain Day by YONCA TANSAL
    A short text celebrating International Mountain Day and mentioning mountain-related activities and locations in Turkey.
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