Skiers Books

  • Alexandrov is a Land of Great Athletes
    A story about the outstanding athletes from Alexandrov, including skiers Andrei Karpov and Olga Danilova, weightlifters Pavel Kuznetsov and Alexei Lovchev, and hurdler Irina …
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  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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  • The skier
    Afel, a boy who has never seen snow, dreams of becoming a skier and competing in the Winter Olympics.
  • The call of the ocean
    Luna has been a water skier almost all of her life and now the biggest competition in her life is here.
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  • My Flat Friend Gram
    Gram and the narrator go on an adventurous journey to Mt. Olympus Park, Hawaii, and Whistler Mountain, meeting new friends along the way.
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  • Charlie Grace Moves Mountains
    Charlie Grace, a unique and determined girl, defies stereotypes and proves her abilities in sports while wearing her tutu and crown.
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  • The Christmas Shepard
    Jack and his dog Outlaw save the day by finding an injured skier on a snowy mountain.
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    The history and development of skiing, from ancient origins to modern competitions. Includes information about popular Polish skiers.
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