Slovak Books

  • Christmas recipes
    A collection of Christmas recipes by Slovak students, including bear paws, kutya, rolls with whipped cream, waffles, cabbage dishes, and more.
  • Favourite books of Polish - Slovak teenagers
    Noam, a young man, survives the Flood and embarks on an immortal journey to find the meaning of life. The first in a series exploring humanity's history.
  • About Christmas eTwinning project
    A collection of descriptions and photos of Christmas decorations in schools and churches from various countries.
  • Christmas recipe book
    A collection of recipes for traditional Slovak Christmas cookies, Spanish starters, and desserts.
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  • ABC's of Green Future
    A collection of alphabetically organized words and phrases in multiple languages, expressing hopes for a clean and sustainable future.
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  • Easter traditions around Europe
    A collection of Easter traditions from different countries, including Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Croatia, and Greece.
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    A guide to hiking safety, including tips on preparation, navigation, clothing, and interacting with nature.
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  • My=your=our cultural heritage in progress
    Cultural heritage is the legacy inherited from the past generation, maintained and preserved for the future. It includes tangible (buildings, art, monuments, books) and intan…
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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