Soil Conservation Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Soil conservation
    A comprehensive guide to soil conservation techniques, including contour tillage, terracing, tree planting, cover crops, and more.
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  • Learning about Land
    Ali and her friends educating people on the green revolution, traditional agriculture, soil erosion, and soil conservation.
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  • What do You See in My Mama's Garden?
    My family's dream was to have a pollinator garden that pollinators would come to world-wide.

    The county government killed my parents' dreams of helping to take car…
  • Lets learn about agriculture
    An informative book about food security, production, and soil conservation, with suggestions for avoiding soil degradation.
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  • Recycling
    A book about the importance of recycling and its impact on the environment, with facts and tips for children.
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  • 凌道扬 Ling Daoyang
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  • Soil conservation with MAUI
    Maui discovers a struggling jungle and learns about soil conservation to save it with the help of the villagers.
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