Southwest Asia Books

  • World History
    A student reflects on their 7th grade World History class, covering topics like geography, economics, government, culture, religion, and history of Africa, East Asia, South A…
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  • The Truth Behind The World
    This book provides an overview of various world regions, their history, culture, and geography. It covers East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia, Africa, and more, with a focu…
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  • Social Studies 7th grade
    A brief overview of the subjects students will learn in 7th-grade social studies, including geography, economics, government, culture, religion, and history.
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  • Southwest Asia
    A brief overview of the Afghanistan War, Iraq War, history of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the significance of Southwest Asia.
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  • 7th Grade World History
    A travel adventure through different subjects in social studies, including geography, government, economics, culture, religion, and history.
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  • All About Tigers
    This book provides information about different species of tigers, their diet, characteristics, habitat, lifespan, predators, groups, and weight.
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  • History
    An overview of various subjects including geography, economies, government, culture, religion, and regions like Africa, East Asia, South Asia, and Southwest Asia.
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  • History Book
    Anwar, a 7th grader, writes a book about history covering topics like geography, economics, government, culture, religion, Africa, Egypt, kingdoms, East Asia, China dynasties…
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